Thursday, November 11


Err...I think this is gonna be a lil' bit awkward.It is something that just suddenly came across my mind.DO NOT THINK IT'S STRANGE:] kay,it's about someone that I really like and I should have told about this guy earlier cuz it feels weird to tell you about him,Mr.Bloggy!:\ all right, see that guy I pointed at on the picture there? Well, He's the one!;]

He's so cute, isn't he?:D haaih I stalk him for almost 2 years now since 2008!(wow, can't believe it) But,my chances of being his girlfriend are so,so..kreek!!(if you know what I meant):[ How could it not be, when I see him around, I get nervous easily as if I'm in a singing competition.. and when he passes by me, I can feel the butterflies on my tummy(mcm film la plak)=.= I don't know if he even notice me..whatever lah, janji ak dpt tgk dia kn? :D hehehe

P/S: Mi, sorry! I took this pic without your permission!But now I do right? hehe:D