Monday, October 11

Is it possible?

I don't know whether I should tell this story or not but I think I'll just tell you about it Mr.Bloggy!:D hehe.. smalam, I dreamed about my two besties(Aishah&Mira). U know what the dream was? hehe.. I dreamed that I was ill and msuk hospital for a month. I was bored to death at the hospital and things I did was wandering around the hospital like "orang gila"! lps tu, mase duduk kat katil(watching TV la this time), then suddenly one of my besties came visited me.It was Aishah, but the shock thing is, she was a BOY! and she looked sgt sgt lah handsome! Ohh eeM Gee!! I can't imagine if she really is a BOY!I hope she is..hahaXD and second thing is Amira was also a boy! both of my besties were a BOY? wt*?! well, Amira doesn't look that good as a boy because she looked too skinny but her face looked cute,I think she's better as a girl.Idk why, but they treated me like I'm in paradise.. but I DON'T CARE! I still love 'em!wehee~

YEAH,go MITIsyee!!
 행운을 빌어!
okay, that's all Mr.Blog! bye2:)